I have changed careers and now in charge of operations for a footwear company. Currently we use an internal template which allow us to calculate "start" and "due" dates for entire task of operations , calculated backward from Delivery Date. There are multiple departments , multiple people and it's becoming very difficult for me to "see" what's happening due to the quantity
Fortunately , the template generates task properly in format Merlin Project Accepts. Please see screenshot for the same.
Task Sequence,Task,Related Person(DOER) ,Start Date,Due Date,Actual Done Date, MileStone,Related Project Name
Is there to import multiple Projects together in 1 single file . See below in screenshot . All task related to relevant project in tree like structure
Is there a way to filter on the "Not Done" tasks for each project?
Currently when I am importing items via CSV , all tasks are being imported into 1 single root item
Is there a limit or optimum number of tasks which can be in 1 project. There are around 300 active Projects Delivery to be done , each with 35-40 tasks each.
Since Tasks are allocated to Person , can I see them in Kanban View ?
Can Kansan view also filter "Project Wise" - 1812,1813