Stefanie In part 1, we show you how you or your project stakeholders record progress of the actual work done in Merlin Project. The blog series is available in English and German language
Stefanie In part 2, we show you how you or your project stakeholders record 100 % completion or adjust the estimation in Merlin Project in Part 2 of our blog series.
Stefanie Part 3 of our blog series is about how you or your project stakeholders record further progress on activities in Merlin Project.
Stefanie In part 4, we show you how you or your project stakeholders record progress on assignment level in Merlin Project.
Stefanie Part 5 is about how Merlin Project transfers recorded progress from the activity to the assignments' level.
Stefanie In part 6, we will show you how to record progress on assignments and how it is automatically transferred to asymmetric assignments.