I'm working with multiple Excel worksheets that contain activities and their costs & durations. I'm using Stata to extract the information from these worksheets, format them to add outlines and dependencies, and export them to a CSV that I then import into Merlin.
I need the flexibility to re-use these worksheets as the needs change: they contain several alternative activities for each activity that is selected to be exported to Merlin. So, it's important that I have to do as little formatting (in Merlin) whenever the assumptions change and a new import is needed.
One of the things I'd like to achieve is mark certain activities as Milestone.
As an example, I have activity #4 of 2 eweeks duration, linked to #3 (its predecessor). I set activity #4 to be a Milestone within Merlin and add a lag of 2 eweeks vis-à-vis activity #3.
When I export this change to CSV, Merlin sets the Given Duration of #4 (the Milestone) to "" and changes the predecessor field of #4 to "3ES+2 eweeks" (so far so good, that's easy enough to mimic in Stata).
However, when I import this CSV back into Merlin, activity #4 is not marked as a Milestone, although the dependencies between #4 and #3 are correct as expected.
Is it possible that Milestone information is not exported to CSV? Are there other ways around this problem?