rlandart Estimados: Buenas tardes. Tendrían fecha estimada de lanzamiento del manual en español. Muchas gracias
vicky ¡Buenos dias! we don't have information about that, or even an ETA. Feel free to use following resources from our website: The fundamentals: https://www.projectwizards.net/es/learn (in Spanish) Frequently asked questions: https://www.projectwizards.net/es/support/faq (in Spanish) The tutorial: https://www.projectwizards.net/documentation/merlin-project/pm-with-merlinproject/en/index.html (in English) You may also check the manual of version 7 if you like, you'll find it here: https://www.projectwizards.net/documentation/merlin-project/reference/en/index.html#_merlin_project_help (in English)