¡Hola Pepelopez! If I understand your question correctly:
You have a project schedule that haven't started yet and want to know how to move the schedule forward in time with the current date? You also ask, how can I make the project start milestone push the entire Gantt chart forward as the days progress.
I understand you have a start milestone in your project. Do you have you created dependencies between the milestone and the activities too?
If so, you can simply edit the project start (in Settings > General > Date Presets > Start) and all activities will follow their dependencies and move forwards.
If you haven't defined dependencies between your activities and fixed each activity or the milestones to specific date points, you'll need to edit each row to the new date individually.
In case you want to move only delayed activities to the current date, and leave activities in the feature in their planned dates, you can enable the dynamic Dynamic (in Settings > General > Status Date > Dynamic Planning > …)
Read more about this here:
As your project haven't started yet, it is a good idea to convert it from static (defined through date restrictions on each activity) to a flexible one (activities are connected through dependencies) to be able to push one activity and have the successors been pushed accordingly. See here how to do so:
Buen día